Online evaluations of Bangalore’s high-class escort service

Added information concerning the online reviews & concerning our escort service

We strive to be as transparent as possible because, as a fully legitimate and licensed business, we frequently deal with prejudice and are consequently turned away from the escort services of many businesses and agencies. Transparency, in our opinion, helps to lessen the stigma associated with sex work, which is advantageous to us.

Business operations and escorts’ safety are both priorities.

Reviews on sex work platforms are generally not something we enjoy as they occasionally share private details that are somewhat graphic and risqué booking information. Although, when one of the escort services in Bangalore was given an invitation in 2019 by a worker at the well-reputable rating site Trustpilot to set up our business

We didn’t have to think twice about this. A page on such a platform standardized company and offers

Transparency with others without fear of explicit disclosure facts; the booking’s juicy particulars stayed confidential; the reviews were about services. favorable testimonials for our escort service After a few years, we amassed a lovely 5-star review status. More than 40 customers ventured to express their encouraging people to trust by sharing their platform experiences in expertise, knowledge, and moral character. That result just came to a sudden halt, and we’ll explain more here in my blog about that.

Trustpilot’s profile was deleted in September 2022 because it did not adhere to its integrity standards. They claim that we are a bod fit business engaged in a number of illegal activities because we offer an escort service that is both entirely legal and licensed. That, however, did not occur overnight. pleasant interactions with our coworkers

They have welcomed various colleagues over the years and individuals we enjoy friendly touch with on a regular basis.

Escort Service

Together, they address concerns like expanding payment choices as well as other relevant practical issues. They as an escort, respect each other’s distinct identity service, but we also acknowledge that occasionally we simply are more powerful when together. That went really well until a competitor arrived a few years ago who did not take regulations and rules too seriously. From defamation to copyright violation, illicit prostitution, and libel. failed computer invasion, among other things. There occasionally were suspicions that were strong. Other times, it was difficult to evidence.

The first one-star review debuted on the lovely Trustpilot profile a year ago. We contacted Trustpilot since it was clear from the content that it was fraudulent. Earlier than this objection was granted. The same reviewer shared a fantastic review of the new “competitor” on their website. A positive review about our company was duplicated, the company names were changed, and it was put as a review of the new competition under the tagline “better stolen well than badly conceived.” This didn’t just happen to us; other rivals with whom we have cordial relations also took similar activities. Because everything was so obvious, the false reviews were swiftly exposed and taken down by Trustpilot


In the past year, a number of reviews that are obviously phony for us and for anyone familiar with our call girls in Bangalore have been posted on numerous platforms, yet they are still marginally better written. As an illustration, consider the time and effort required to create (or purchase pre-made) a profile that appears to be real and includes answers to various forum discussions and evaluations of various escort agencies. Only after that will the unfavorable review of the escort service be published. This is frequently followed by remarks about our esteemed coworkers, who verified to us that they are also unable to place a good or neutral review. When we update the working approach, we’ll do so here on the blog.

Be modified by the rival.

Since  originally published this blog, at least two sources have been found. That appear to have taken it upon themselves to post fabricated reviews against company on various websites and forums. Additionally, we have been tagged as fraudulent on platforms. Where our business is listed, which is against the rules. permanently closed, among other things. Among the family members of the active escarts, media contacts, and other competitors and customers. The worst horror stories are circulated about. so forth. You see what I mean?

Customers’ touching responses Of course, such a move irritates First of all.

All in all, posting such false reviews is detrimental and illegal. They demand our attention, even when we would much rather concentrate on things that are more useful. However, the phony evaluations frequently criticize owner in addition to portraying our services as subpar to mediocre.

Thankfully, we have the incredibly sweet notes from customers to support us. Who, in addition to being angry that their reviews were removed in this manner. Feel personally displeased with the claims made in the phony reviews

We awaited Trustpilot’s response to our request for a meeting to exchange opinions. Because we are aware that a prohibited escort service is not permitted on the site. However, with our legitimate and authorized escort service. We do not belong on the list of businesses and services that are not allowed. After all, the tax officials extend a warm welcome to us as well. Unfortunately, they rejected our request and deleted any escort services-related Trustpilot profiles.


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